Friday, 27th of March  – 10 am to 6 pm Danilo Poccia WARNING: seats are limited, booking is recommended. Access to Labs is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders. Want to get hands-on experience with AWS? There are more than 50 labs available, covering a variety of common use cases. Each lab – from beginner to…


Saturday, 28th of March  – 11.40 am to 13.00 pm Giulio Santoli WARNING: seats are limited, booking is recommended. Access to Labs is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders. L’approccio a Microservizi rappresenta un’importante evoluzione dell’archietture software moderne, rispetto alle tradizionali applicazioni monolitiche. Sviluppa con noi in modo semplice un sistema a Microservizi basato su…

lab IBM

Saturday, 28th of March  – 2.10 pm to 4 pm Sara Robinson – Mandy Waite WARNING: seats are limited, booking is required. Access to Labs is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders. In this lab we’ll introduce you to all of the important steps of developing applications with Firebase and then give you the opportunity…

lab Google

Friday, 27 March – 2 pm to 5:10 pm Mentors: Michele Capra WARNING: seats are limited, booking is required. Access to Labs is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders. NodeSchool is a collection of workshops, that help you learn server-side JavaScript by writing code and solving challenges. All the attendees are divided into tight groups of 5…


27-28th of March  – 11.40 am to 1.10 pm Fablab Roma Makers WARNING: seats are limited, reserve your place on the same day in Codemotion Maker area, directly to the Fablab Rome Desk. Access to this workshop is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders. This workshop is focused on wearable tech and smart textiles. At first…


27-28th of March  – 2.10 pm to 3.40 pm Fablab Roma Makers WARNING: seats are limited, reserve your place on the same day in Codemotion Maker area, directly to the Fablab Rome Desk Access to this workshop is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders.   A full immersion in the age of the first personal computer. Apart…


27-28th of March  – 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm Fablab Roma Makers WARNING: seats are limited, reserve your place on the same day in Codemotion Maker area, directly to the Fablab Rome Desk. Access to this workshop is allowed to Codemotion Conference Ticket holders.   Spirolaser is a system that projects drawings onto a wall,…


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